and in balance
world balance place in place that is here suspending point of inside world in of only just world in world of only just down wards as much is this this is freedom as much much can be within withed in in withed-in they dance
most of us
will not be remembered this is us we most never no one will hear of us but do I keep trying this in ways why but most of us by a long way will not be remembered I am opening my studio to visitors as part of the E17 Arts Trail. I am venue 202 I chose to live in a way which is much about local engagement with community on an individual human level and so for me this is a significant opportunity to enter into conversations inside my creation space while I make and so we create together you are welcome to be here 11am - 6pm June Thursday Friday Saturday 6 7 8 & 13 14 15 First Floor Unit 35 Cromwell Industrial Estate Staffa Road E10 7QZ (my studio is up a flight of stairs and so I apologise for the lack of wheelchair access, if this does affect you please do contact me directly and lets find a way that I can share my art and process with you) |