Art is text
Art is information Art is communication A Body (of its many shapes only one is knowledge) to be studied to be built upon to be further developed Free is Flow Originality and Ownership are secondary... are tertiary ... Can Science become Art? Art was Science was Art was Science ... for millennia? perhaps Art is the wild nature of Human much as we reduce, quantify, exploit and package Nature at our peril so too with Art? a form
far removed “the driver” connected only just “the floating” about held impossibly too far letting float outward being floating being moving - wriggling - writhing this motion to depth parts almost not just yet this a made-body outside of mine
this other body outside my own experience the other body can this ever be fully integrated to my self? my full-self the total all-of-me this expressive other body what can it do? what can it not do? how does this other body feel? does this other body feel? away from my feeling LOOK
BUY ENJOY the trolley pronounces here I buy coffee feel this here others walk the treadmill seats only for those who buy then relax so relax the arrival towards looking forward to a London place there and I will enjoy to debrief this geometry how to take this away from this then to give through geometry and freedom allowed through this gifting to work by tools of freedom for freedom wings flight but buoyancy without metal prisons outpost → outpost in freedom no condition functional solution solving firstly for myself and towards every other this is as is required welcome welcoming to be and so just as a bird will fly over all and trees allow us themselves no matter who also within creation and solution this total embrace is more efficient so here sitting in a no place but do I ever arrive? where to and when to leave when to depart when to arrive all is this one place being here and at the same moment all of my surroundings yes to work by the tools of freedom for freedom but also to use the tools and methodologies commonly exploited towards repression control subjugation and to utilise these tools in the passage towards freedom to express expansiveness by means of the instruments of restriction outside from nostalgia the work moves closer to an edge the cutting edge knife edge place where this is being towards separation of this rational /analytical from the less-literal words are in one book then not-words are in another setting these methodologies these flexible/experimental codes of good practise the place also requires distinction and separation in all which I do let beauty be that and allow this to surround me this is the open-access place and my joyful bubble GIVE OUT JOYFUL MEANINGLESS BEAUTY the intellectual pursuit away/out of/ separate from intelligence the process further moving from mental analytical allow science to make these observations I am the outer within process becoming away from this scientific away from an art of emulation/ celebration of science THIS IS NOT MY POINT cultivate this away from perspective expansive potential freedom light then also the other shadow darkness will be present so this could be focus geometry I need not succeed I need not make convincing proof I need not recreate the present I may apply pressure like a pencil line this will function as a measure for pressure on my path perhaps ? Response
Water as a platform to hold movement discourse centre shifts friction reduction to minimum. Movement about centre Movement mechanical exploitation of subtle change System allowing response to air displacement Simple outside of simplicity Multiplicity of combinations can be explored Within organically naturally found then into the design fabricated The system enhance Basic principle finding floatation vessel (vessel also for potential mechanism) Upper supporting unit Reciprocating ballast Ballast potential to be dynamic utilising mid point float/sink to activate lever up in mechanism Moving across pool of water Contained restricted freedom within container (possible floating with another) Then onward Future discoveries addition heat with and exploration of currents formed to activate change Bobbing spring of a float pressed then released Mechanical exploring dynamic ballast Thread or chain like-between water and air undulation exploited through mechanism partial release from gravity Natural reference larvae like air bubble finding shape in surrounds Share out Ascertain what this towards Multiplicity Individual unit reaction then unified to whole Approach- simplicity - multiplicity - combination |
October 2024