a mechanism of balance has a physical attribute akin to kindness
the point of equilibrium is shared the heavy makes space for the light the interaction of one material to another can seem unkind is a sustainable system kind? soft and hard become one through their meeting if steel did without brass it would move less smoothly gears mesh kindly gifting movement to each other if gears do not mesh then is this less kind? is kindness able to be a mechanical principle? kindness is a deep acknowledgement through actions of the position and presence of others without self awareness can kindness be? kindness is how this human can engage with and understand the world observed is kindness the action of respect? kindness is a working methodology kindness is an efficiency kindness is an acknowledgement rather than the denial of the perceived actual of a kind sharing my kind the other is as I am of the same kind
a mechanism held together of its own resting in equilibrium moving with dynamic shifting balance each piece an individual all parts inseparable indistinguishable from the whole here |